最近,有一寡朋友咧會(hēr/hē/huē)【伴手 phuānn-tshiú】kap【等路 tán-lōo】。
phoāⁿ-chhiú, taking something in the hand, just that it may not be empty, but without any special purpose.
phoāⁿ-chhiú ê-mi̍h, something thus taken in the hand, as a fan or tobacco-pipe.
phoāⁿ-chhiú bóng-kia̍h, just take it in your hand, as a stick.
phoāⁿ-chhiú, to make a small present of cakes to relatives of bride (or bridegroom) on the occasion of their first visit.
tán-lō͘, presents bought when away from home and brought back to children.
照頂懸 ê 文獻來看,【伴手】本底只是「the̍h 佇手--裡 ê 物」,並無「禮(present)」ê 意思,kàu《增補廈英》kap《臺日大辭典‧下冊》(1932) tsiah 有「訪問の時の手土產」ê 意思。
【等路】佇《廈英》無收,kàu《增補廈英》才有收,意思是「離開厝,紮轉來予囡仔所買 ê 禮」。《臺日》記做「旅行先よりの土產。家苞。」反(píng)日文辭典:「家苞」の意味は家に持って帰る土產のこと。所致【等路】佇《臺日》ê 釋義是【去遊覽、去𨑨迌(thit/tshit-thô) ê 時,uì 外埠頭所帶轉來厝--裡 ê 土產、名產。】
我只兩个詞 ê 語感 kap 頂懸 ê 文獻一致:
【伴手】嘛會做得說做【帶手 tuà-tshiú】、【帶手乜仔 tuà-tshiú-mih-á】。
b.【逐過去外埠頭會議,欲轉來厝--裡 ê 時,伊攏會買寡等路轉--來。】